The branding of a new video production company including logo, print material and web. 

Upper One Studios is a small production company competing against several very long standing agencies. Capable of production that is on par with much larger production companies, this quality had to be evident in every piece designed for them.

Everything needed to be bold, colorful and modern. They needed to look like a company that has been in operation for years, not months. Everything designed for them is full color with an emphasis on dark blues with a Mt. backdrop on every piece.

The concept behind the logo design that I came up with was to take elements of a camera lens because most of what Upper One Studios does is video work, and combine it with something very Alaskan. While incorporating rich full color.

The usage of Denali (aka Mt. McKinley) was a no brainier. The largest Mt. in North America. "It's been here, it's not going anywhere..." The round logo is to make it feel as though you're looking in the lens of a camera, and the type around the outside to give the idea of focus rings.
Convincing them to use full color on both the front and back of their business was difficult. But the added impact was evidant when clients would write notes on the back of the card and not lose the card. 
A full color tri-fold brochure promoting their commercial production side. It uses production stills of video they had previously shot. 
A Flash based web site that incorporates all the design elements from the branding into a flashy interface.
Even the letterhead has a picture of Denali (Mt. McKinley) as a watermarked background image.
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