I began my adventure with Ubisoft as a fan of the original "Splinter Cell" in 2003. I followed the title closely and eagerly anticipated the release of each sequel. When the release dates started to slip and fans on the forums started to rebel, I began creating fan content to supplement the official content that was being trickled out. 

With the early promotion of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory in 2005 Ubisoft capitalized on the fan content that was being created and took full advantage of the content through the use of Fanpimp. A system that rewards fans that create content for the game. I created wallpaper, forum banners, t shirt designs, videos, game levels, and other marketing and merchandising material. 

Upon winning the Fanpimp contest from a pool of over 20,000 fans I was offered a position within Ubisoft as a Moderator and continued to create content for the Splinter Cell franchise. I was offered a chance to tour Microsoft Xbox headquarters with a team from Ubisoft and later be a guest of Ubisoft at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)

Much of my work is featured on the Ubisoft site and was featured on a DVD that was included with the collectors edition of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.
Wallpaper designed for Ubisoft for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.
Selected and used on the official website and Fan-Pimp site.
Wallpaper designed for Ubisoft for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. 
​Selected and used on the official website.
Wallpaper designed for Ubisoft for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.
Selected and used on the official website.
Word search designed for Ubisoft for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. 
​Selected and used on the official website.
Wallpaper designed for Ubisoft for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. 
Selected and used on the official website and Fan-Pimp site.
Website banner designed for Ubisoft for Splinter Cell Double Agent forums.
Selected and used on the official forums.
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