The Black Widow Company (BWC) is a veteran founded, owned, and operated military-style online gaming and real world gaming (Team Scenario Paintball) Company. Formed in 2003. 
This reinterpritation of the Black Widow Company (BWC) "Hourglass" logo was created for Sony Online Entertainment's Planet Side 2 and can be seen in the game. 
It was ment to look like it came from a battle hardned unit. It needed to be clear from a distance but also detailed and interesting if seen up close. The weathering in the top left is a Black Widow spider.
Created for BWC for in house use for a Mech Warrior Online Unit.
Created for BWC for forum and avatar use for a Mech Warrior Online Unit.
Created for BWC for in house use for a Mech Warrior Online detachment.
Created for inhouse use by the BWC for the upcoming Star Citizen game by Cloud Imperium Gaming (CIG)
Created for inhouse use by the BWC for the upcoming Star Citizen game by Cloud Imperium Gaming (CIG). This insignia highlights the Racing and Arena Team.
Created for inhouse use by the BWC for the upcoming Star Citizen game by Cloud Imperium Gaming (CIG). This insignia highlights one of the many fighter wings the BWC has in its orginizational structure.
Created for inhouse use by the BWC for the upcoming Star Citizen game by Cloud Imperium Gaming (CIG). This insignia highlights one of the many fighter wings the BWC has in its orginizational structure.
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